The Preparations Before Leaving

Mo Ruyue didn't drive the mule cart back this time. Instead, she went to the carriage and horse shop to rent a fast horse. Although the speed of the mule cart wasn't slow, it was still far from that of a fast horse.

Now was not the time to drive the car on the road to kill time, but to try to grab as much time as possible. It was not that Mo Ruyue did not believe in Imperial Doctor Tian's ability, but rather than believing in outsiders, she chose to believe in herself.

When she rushed home, Du Zhongheng was telling the babies about the stories in "historical records" when they suddenly heard the neighing of horses outside the door. Everyone was shocked.

Very quickly, Mo Ruyue rushed into the "classroom" and said to Du Zhongheng apologetically, "Mr. Dean, I'm sorry to disturb you. I have something very important to tell the babies. It will probably take a little bit of your time."