Warming Up

"This packet is to be boiled and taken. This packet is to be mixed with water into a paste for external application. Don't mix the medicine for your mother with the medicine for your brother, or it will cause poisoning, so you should be more careful."

Mo Ruyue had only reminded her this way out of a doctor's instinct. At the same time, it was also to prevent Qin Qingfei from making a mistake and pushing the blame on her if she could not explain clearly.

"Aunt, I don't know how to cook medicine, I don't know how to cook medicine, I don't know how to cook medicine, I don't know how to cook medicine."

Qin Qingfei was reluctant to leave. After a long time, she finally opened her mouth and whispered.

"It's not difficult to decoct the medicine. Both medicines are taken with 30% medicine and 70% water. You just need to decoct it three times to make a bowl of medicinal soup. Don't you understand?"