Separation Is the Beginning of the Next Reunion

The babies immediately quieted down. They knew that their thoughts had been seen through by their mother, and their ears were a little hot.

Tang Tang quietly hugged her mother's arm tightly, but she did not expect her mother to pull her arm. Just as she felt her heart empty, she was pulled into a warm embrace.

"One day, all of you will grow up and live the life you want. You will have your own families, but as long as our hearts are together, nothing can be separated."

"Maybe you can't understand it now, but as you grow up and experience more, you will constantly have a new understanding of this sentence."

"Don't be afraid of separation, because separation is the beginning of the next reunion, right?"

The babies didn't answer, but Mo Ruyue could see their eyes flash with a thoughtful light. No matter what each of them thought of what she had just said, Mo Ruyue felt that she had already said what she wanted to say.