A Full Body Examination

"Lady Qin, the patient's condition is very serious. He can't get out of bed or move. Can I trouble you to make a trip down personally?"

Mo Ruyue finally understood why this little captain was so embarrassed just now. It turned out that it was because this sentence was really difficult to say.

Ping City and the County town were originally very far apart. Now that he had a favor to ask of someone, it was a little too much to ask them to travel a long distance to see a doctor.

"You want me to go to Ping City again?"

Mo Ruyue raised an eyebrow and asked.

Although she wouldn't treat the patients differently based on their status, if she had to run to every patient, she wouldn't be able to take it even if she was exhausted.

"Lady Qin, I know this request is a bit too much, but that person's family really can't stand such a long distance journey. We have no choice."