We're No Longer The Same

"If you don't want to make an exception, we'll have to tell the truth when we get to the old master. After all, we want to pay the fine and see if the old master will agree to our request."

Although Qin Qingyuan was young, he was able to speak frankly with Constable Wang. However, there was still a hint of fear in his eyes. he was only holding on because there were so many people present and his request was reasonable.

Constable Wang looked at Qin Qingyuan from head to toe. How dare a baby who still reeked of milk threaten him? Did he eat a bear's heart and a leopard's gall?

But there was one thing he was very clear about. If this matter was reported to the first master, in the end, the second son of the Qin family would have to go back and get the money. After all, Qin Shi was not young anymore. If she died in prison, even if she deserved it, it would not be good for the first master's reputation.