Looking For The Child

Although Mo Ruyue had only been to the small courtyard where Du Zhongheng lived once, the route was still firmly engraved in her mind. It was just that when she went to find it, she found that the small courtyard was also guarded by an iron general.

"Miss, are you here to see Mr. Du?"

A neighbor heard a knock on the door and came out to talk to Mo Ruyue when he saw her.

"Yes, do you know where he went?"

Mo Ruyue saw that it was an old man and asked very politely.

"I heard that he's a teacher for some family. He goes there every day and won't come back until evening."

The old man replied. After a moment of hesitation, he said, "When we saw that he didn't carry his daily cloth bag when he went out today, we didn't know if he had other plans. we didn't dare to ask. Even if we asked, he wouldn't say anything. It would be awkward. "