A Mysterious Gift

The babies had already eaten dinner according to Mo Ruyue's instructions and left some warm in the pot for her.

"Mother, what mysterious gift do you have that you have to rush to prepare today? Don't you have many days off? You can make it even if you prepare it tomorrow,"

Er Bao walked over. Although he was disagreeing with her, his eyes kept sizing up Mo Ruyue's body as if he wanted to see where her so-called mysterious gift was hidden.

"There's still tomorrow's work to be done. It just so happens that the sky hasn't turned dark by then, so I thought I'd go look for the materials while I was at it. "

When Mo Ruyue said that, Er Bao reacted. "So you only went to find the materials and haven't made it yet?"

"Aiya, Second Brother, why are you so anxious? No matter what kind of gift mother will prepare for us, it will definitely be the best and one of a kind. In any case, we will be able to see it before we enter the school, so don't rush mother now."