Seek justice?

"Today, Auntie brought Qin Qingduo and the others to the private school in the neighboring village."

Qin Qingyuan suddenly said. His words made Madam Wang understand why he was in a bad mood.

In the past, there were only a few children in the Qin village who could afford to attend a private school, and Qin Qingyuan was one of them. At that time, the children in the village were envious of him.

Ever since they separated from the eldest branch, the Qin family's days had been getting worse and worse. Qin Shi kept a close eye on their money, and Qin Xu would return home every two or three days to ask for money. If he couldn't get it, he would beat people up. If he couldn't get the money, he would catch the family's livestock and sell them.

Without money at home, Qin Qingyuan couldn't afford to pay for his books, paper and pens so it was natural for him to drop out of school.