Good People Don't Come

She usually dressed as a man and tied her hair into a high ponytail. Now that she had changed into women's clothing, she was really cold, refined, and unparalleled. Even an old servant from a mansion like Madam Du, who was used to seeing beautiful women, was dazed by her.

"Madam Du, are you done?"

Although Mo Ruyue was used to all kinds of looks, she saw that it was getting late and she didn't want to be late.

"Oh, oh, sorry. This old servant has lost her composure."

Only then did Madam Du come back to her senses and repeatedly apologized to Mo Ruyue. Then, she couldn't help but praise, "Lady Qin, we all know that you are born with good looks, but we didn't expect you to be so good. Look, when you dress up, you really make people unable to take their eyes off you!"

Mo Ruyue smiled faintly and didn't give her any response.