Wishful Thinking

This Madam Cen was Madam Du's cousin and close friend. Five years ago, she married the county officer of the neighboring county, Cao Chong, so she had come to the banquet with them.

Not long ago, Madam Cen had come to visit her cousin. He had been soft-hearted and allowed them to meet. He didn't expect that this would be the root of the problem, resulting in today's disaster.

"Soft-hearted, I can actually be soft-hearted."

Chen Luyu mumbled. When he opened his eyes again, a cold glint filled his eyes, and there was no longer a trace of expression on his face. The carriage also fell silent, without a single sound.

No matter how many people were happy or sad, Mo Ruyue was the biggest winner. And tomorrow, she would retire and go home to live her life.