Return Without Success

It was not over yet. Da Bao lifted his hand slightly, and third uncle Qin immediately stood on his tiptoes and cried out in pain.

"Third uncle Qin, I respect you as my elder, so I don't want to fall out with you. But if you want to use your seniority to fight me, I won't let you go."

He had followed Mo Ruyue to train in martial arts for the past few months, and it was not for nothing. Among the four brothers of the Qin family, his martial strength was even above the martial arts fanatic San Bao, second only to his brother Er Bao.

His mother had been teaching them all kinds of martial arts since a long time ago. There were fighting, thai boxing, one move to defeat the enemy, and so on. They were all things he had never heard of before. However, now that he could easily break a small tree as thick as a bowl with a punch, it was definitely not a boast.