Fake Death

Mo Ruyue didn't let Tang Tang prepare the last bowl of medicine. Instead, she sent them to bed early. She quickly prepared the medicinal spring water in the space and brought it to the man's room.

For the entire day, it was as if there was no one in the room. It was unbelievably quiet. Even if Mo Ruyue listened carefully, she couldn't hear the man's breathing.

At one point, she thought that he had some sudden complications and died suddenly. However, when she entered the room, she saw that the man was really in a state of suspended animation.

Under such circumstances, a person's heart rate would drop to the lowest, and their breathing would also become slow and long. If it was not carefully examined, it would not be detected at all.

Mo Ruyue had once read about this kind of suspended animation in an ancient book. It was called "turtle breathing technique", and it was a method that imitated the sleeping of turtles to reduce the exhaustion of the body.