Determining The Cause

As she spoke, she walked past Qi Qiao and went straight into Bai Shijiao's room. Qi Qiao hurriedly bowed to Bai Shiyuan and returned to her room.

After Mo Ruyue went in, she sniffed carefully but did not find the strange fragrance that had appeared in Madam Bai's room.

As usual, she went to Bai Shijiao's bedside and began to do a full body examination.

Bai Shijiao's pulse also showed signs of heart failure. It was most likely caused by excessive weight and long-term mental anxiety. Perhaps it was because there was no external cause, her heart failure was not as serious as Madam Bai's.

Mo Ruyue could easily tell that Bai Shijiao's obesity was caused by a large number of hormones. However, she still had to ask Qi Qiao a few more questions about the specific hormones.

"Qi Qiao, did your miss eat any special ingredients or traditional Chinese medicine before she gained weight?"

Mo Ruyue called Qi Qiao to her side and asked.