The Last Warning

She hurriedly tried to smooth things over. "Mother, it's the new year. The village chief said that he wanted to see if you needed anything since you're still suffering in prison. We're all from the same village. We can't really fall out with each other just because of a few words."

However, the village head did not appreciate Madam Wang's kindness at all. If it wasn't for her seeking death and forcing him, he wouldn't have come to such an unlucky place on New Year's Eve and even choked on his words for no reason.

Therefore, he glanced at Madam Wang coldly and did not beat around the bush. He directly said to Madam Qin, "Madam Qin, your second son doesn't go home anymore. He leaves the three of them at home all day and they are barely surviving on the help of the villagers."

"It's not that your family doesn't have money, but it's all in your hands. Now that they're living like this, shouldn't you take out some money to feed them?"