On Fire

He opened a bag on his back. There was also a wooden box inside, but it was dozens of times bigger than the small box.

Ying put all the books and account books into the wooden box, but kept the small red sandalwood box in his arms.

After doing all this, he pushed the candle on the table over and watched as the burning flame gradually spread and swallowed the entire desk.

The strong smell of blood in the room couldn't cover up the smell of sulfur. As long as the fire spread to the place where the gunpowder was scattered, the restaurant filled with the smell of death would explode into the most brilliant and enthusiastic fireworks of the night.

Ah Ying looked around the room again, but he did not look at the body behind the desk. Then, he jumped out of the window, glided like a ROC with its wings spread, and disappeared into the night.

"Hey, look, why is the sky over there red?"