Bless Lady Qin To Return Safely

"So, Mrs. Xiao, you mean that as long as Gu Ying is willing to form an alliance with you and provide a little help when necessary, you will help him settle this matter? As you just said, this is no ordinary murder case. It has already alarmed three state capitals, and the scope of its influence will continue to expand."

Mo Ruyue wanted to see what kind of plan Ye Youwei could come up with to prove her sincerity. If possible, she could even make this deal on behalf of Gu Ying.

"Lady Qin should be very clear about what kind of existence my husband's intelligence organization is. Speaking of which, it can be considered as a sworn enemy of the blood tower. There is still a lot of evidence in her hands. Moreover, it is not difficult for us to clear our identities and the like."