The Best Man

Mo Ruyue took a step back, and then another. This time, she lit the oil lamp and began to set up the table.

Her figure was reflected on the window paper. It was no longer a man's figure, but a woman's exquisite figure.

With Gu Ying's cautiousness, he would definitely check the identity of everyone who stayed in the restaurant before he made a move to make sure that he would not hurt the innocent.

She had moved in as a man, and now she was showing her female body. Such an abnormality would definitely attract Gu Ying's attention.

Mo Ruyue didn't want to wait anymore. She wanted to see him now!

There was a faint "tap" sound outside the window, as if something had fallen on the arched eaves of the next floor.

It's here!

Mo Ruyue picked up the wine pot and poured a cup of wine into the empty cup opposite him.