Tacit Understanding

The Liu couple also listened quietly at the side. They agreed with Mo Ruyue's method of hiding the truth back then, but because of this, they were even more unable to understand what she was doing now.

"The current result is not necessarily better."

Sure enough, Da Bao had the same thought. He glanced at the other babies meaningfully so that Mo Ruyue could see the expressions on their faces.

Needless to say, Er Bao's face also had an extremely complicated expression.

Because San Bao's impression of him was very vague, his face was filled with confusion.

As for Si Bao and Tang Tang, they had no impression of Qin Ming at all. They had only heard that this man looked very similar to their father, so they were more curious and had a faint sense of closeness.

Mo Ruyue turned to look at Gu Ying again, and then met his soft and warm eyes. She couldn't help but smile back.