Doomsday Scene

On the way, Er Bao also glanced out of the window and immediately called out, "Mother, where are we now? Why aren't there any more mountains?"

When he called out, the other babies also moved to the window to look. As expected, there were no more mountains on either side of the road. When they looked behind the carriage, they could see that the edge of the mountain range had been left behind.

"We're heading north, so we naturally have to leave that mountain range. It'll be different if we go to the county."

Mo Ruyue pointed them in the right direction and also took the opportunity to teach them a few skills to distinguish directions in the wild.

"Mother, I heard from Master that the scenery and amorous feelings of the northern lands are very different from ours. The people there are more boorish and bold, and they don't pay much attention to etiquette and the like, right?"