The Poor Child

Mo Ruyue's gaze couldn't move away from that woman. She never thought she would see this scene.

The strong shock made her speechless, and it took her a long time to come back to her senses.

Gu Ying went over and said something to the little boy, and a desperate cry made Mo Ruyue's nose sour.

Was this the feeling of sadness?

She thought that she would never have the chance to experience it in her life.

Very quickly, Gu Ying's figure flew over with the little boy in his arms. The little fellow who was still sobbing and crying instantly quieted down.

He looked at the scene in front of him in a daze. It was such a cruel and desperate scene, but there was still a glimmer of hope in front of him. One could imagine the impact it had on him.

"Mother, I've brought someone back. Look, I've even brought a steamed bun."

The little boy suddenly knelt down and handed over the untouched steamed bun in his hand.