Black Panther

"You're angry?"

The smile on Mo Ruyue's face also slowly disappeared. She didn't think that this matter would be so important to Gu Ying.

Wasn't it more important for two people to confirm their feelings for each other?

Gu Ying didn't say anything. This was the first time he didn't give Mo Ruyue any clear response.

After realizing the seriousness of the matter, she immediately grabbed Gu Ying's arm and forced him to turn his head to look at her.

"Gu Ying, I'm sorry. I was just influenced by this scene and told you on a whim. Please don't be angry."

This was the first time Mo Ruyue had apologized to someone so humbly in both her previous and current lives. But if it was Gu Ying, she would not care at all.

"Bing 'Er, I'm sorry, I was too petty."

Gu Ying seemed to only be angry for a moment. After hearing Mo Ruyue's soft apology, he casually pulled Mo Ruyue into his arms and began to apologize to her.