New Victims Of Disaster

The human body would enter a deep sleep state after midnight. It was indeed the most relaxed and unguarded state. Basically, many large-scale sneak attacks would choose this time.

However, according to Gu Ying, when he was an assassin in the blood tower, he was also assigned many tasks in the early hours of the morning, so this concept should not be a rare thing at this time.

It was indeed a little arbitrary to judge that the county government was another transmigrator.

After the simple conversation, there was no more sound on the city wall. If it wasn't for the faint sound of breathing, one would even think that the two hidden people had already left.

As time went by, the bonfires that were lit by the refugees were almost completely extinguished. A gust of wind would blow away the charcoal ash in the bonfire, disperse some sparks, or temporarily ignite some small flames.