Grasshoppers On The Same Rope

She shook her head and motioned for Lin Xu to hold up her dislocated chin.

After yesterday's ordeal, it was not easy for her to survive. Now, she was paralyzed in the carriage and could not even move a strand of hair, let alone hold her chin up to speak.

"Don't play any tricks. If I can save you, I can make you worse than you are now."

Before Lin Xu made her move, she still gave a warning.

Just as the woman was nodding her head, Miss Tian, who had been kicked off the carriage, regained her senses. She flew into a rage out of humiliation and was about to pounce on the carriage again.

Lin Xu wanted to intimidate the female bandit and stop her from playing any tricks. She quickly got up and strode to the car door, punching Miss Tian in the face.

With a soft "crack," Miss Tian immediately fell backward. Her face was covered in blood, and her tall nose was slanted to one side.