You Can't Have Both The Bear Paw And The Fish

Gu Ying mounted the horse and squeezed the horse's belly. Little Black shot out like lightning and followed behind the giant wolf.

Not long after, he saw Mo Ruyue sitting on a big rock under a tree in the distance. He had a grass stem in his mouth and looked over when he heard the sound of horse hooves.

"Gu Ying!"

She waved at Gu Ying, still sitting on the stone.

Gu Ying got up from the horse's back. The tip of his foot tapped lightly on the horse's back and he used the momentum to fly out. Like a giant eagle gliding down, he landed nimbly beside Mo Ruyue.

Without the control of the person on its back, Little Black gradually slowed down after running for a while. It turned and ran to Big Black, who was not far away, and began to leisurely eat the grass with it.

"Bing 'Er, how did you find this place?"