Special Whistle

Gu Ying stopped here because the giant wolf that was following him in the dark had sent him a message.

It smelled the scent of the Bai family.

He placed the giant wolf in the forest outside and let it hunt freely. Gu Ying led Little Black into the town slowly.

This place was further north from Chu City, and it was not on any major traffic arteries. The entire town seemed a little desolate.

Fortunately, it was the busy season for spring plowing, so there was a large area of farmland outside the town.

The crops that had been sown in time for spring plowing had already produced green seedlings in a few days.

It was close to evening, and the people who were busy farming in the fields had already finished work and gone home. The entire town was filled with smoke, and it looked especially peaceful and peaceful.