Is Mother Leaving Again?

In her reply to Gu Ying, Mo Ruyue told him to catch up with Du Zhongheng as soon as possible. Regardless of whether he would follow him back or not, he had to return to Chu City as soon as possible.

With Fan Yi taking care of the babies' lives and Imperial Doctor Tian's family by her side, she could rest assured and chase after Old Master Bai.

As for Bai Shiyuan, he would wait to meet up with Old Master Bai. Then, they would go through the heavily guarded checkpoint together, saving him the trouble of going through the second round of procedures.

After writing the reply, the giant wolf also ate up the large piece of flesh and drank two large basins of water before it was full.

Mo Ruyue did not leave the space immediately. Instead, she adjusted the flow of time and let the giant wolf play with the pack of wolves for a while. When it was almost digested, she let it out of the space and let it go back to chase Gu Ying.