Peaceful Place

On the streets of the capital, the Liu family became the biggest news in the teahouses of the capital for a while.

Passerby A invited Passerby B to a teahouse to chat.

"You still don't know, right?"

"I heard that the Liu family's daughter has become the empress…"

At this point, Passerby A paused and nervously looked around to see if there were any suspicious people listening in. What he was going to say next should not be heard by anyone, but he still approached Passerby B and whispered.

"Her conduct is not good. Ever since she entered the Palace, the Liu family has been in trouble. Now, the reputation of the Liu family's daughters is even worse."

"Now, even the large storeroom at home had caught fire!"

"If you ask me, this Liu family's girl is not suitable to enter the palace to be an empress. I can't stand it anymore. This family is all wicked!"

"How can you be the mother of the world!"