Glass Greenhouses

Mo Ruyue decided to go down to the pond to take a look. She had to find out the reason. There were many children in the village. It would be bad if one of them wanted to eat lotus roots.

She gave Sun Nu an antidote pill and some water. She woke up in a short while.

Sun Nu still didn't understand what was going on when she woke up. She remembered that they were digging lotus roots in the pond before.

Why was she back in bed? Was she dreaming?

The commotion here also attracted the attention of the other villagers. They all came to ask what was going on.

After Sun Nu woke up, Mo Ruyue asked Xia Yu to take care of her. She had to personally go to the pond to take a look.

"Mother, you have to be careful. Take a detoxification pill first."

Mo Ruyue lovingly stroked Tang Tang's head. This little cotton-padded jacket was really too warm. She ate the pill she handed him.

"Wait at home obediently. Don't run around."