Did You Raise Me?

Mo Ruyue's mother rolled her eyes and shouted, "I was the one who sold you back then, not your father!"

"Why are you so heartless?"

"She didn't even let him see her for the last time! Your father died with regrets, he died with regrets!"

When Mo Ruyue's mother shouted these words, everyone present still felt that she was faking it. However, those who did not know the inside story could not help but complain.

Since ancient times, people had been raising children in order to support their old age.

She really shouldn't have not seen him for the last time.

No matter how contradictory the situation was, the dead were the most important.

The people on this side were frowning. This shameless woman actually used a self-harming tactic to turn the tables.

"Your village is so far away from ours. How could my sister-in-law know about what happened to your family?"

Qin Qingyan couldn't help but rush out to confront Mo Ruyue's mother.