A Welcoming Ceremony

Hearing Mo Ruyue's words, Gu Ying was very touched. Their marriage had been full of twists and turns.

It had been almost a year, and they still hadn't gotten married.

"Alright, I'll listen to you."

Gu Ying was silent for a while before asking Mo Ruyue, "If you were really the princess of the Northern Kingdom, would you go back?"

"Why should I go back? My home is here, why should I go back?"

Mo Ruyue looked at Gu Ying, who was obviously a little nervous, and took the initiative to hold his big hand.

There were many thick calluses on his warm and dry palms, giving her a sense of security.

"Don't worry, even if I'm really the princess of the Northern Kingdom, I'll bring you guys with me when I go back. No matter where we go, our family must be together, no one can be missing."

"Alright, I'll go wherever you go."

Gu Ying grabbed Mo Yue's hands.

A day later, their carriage entered Lianshan County.