Must Be Alive

How could Qin Rouwan not know this? However, it had been so many years. It wasn't that Zhou Zhengqing didn't touch her when she was in the Zhou family. Forget it, she didn't want to think about it anymore.

Mo Ruyue also recalled the time when she had first met Qin Rouwan. She had even checked Qin Rouwan's pulse. At that time, she had been troubled because Qin Rouwan wanted to have another child.

Thinking of this, Mo Ruyue grabbed Qin Rouwan's hand and took her pulse.

"Your qi and blood are smooth and your pulse is healthy. Sister, you can definitely do it!"

"Worry about yourself."

Qin Rouwan shyly slapped her hand away. She hadn't even married Yu Hongsheng yet, and she was already saying such nonsense. If others heard it, they would die of embarrassment.

"Hahaha, I won't say it anymore."