The Princess' Residence

June 28th was an auspicious day, suitable for sacrifice!

This was also the day Su Luo was preparing to register Mo Ruyue in the Su family's genealogy.

Su Luo personally led Mo Ruyue to worship. After the sacrifice, the eunuch announced the imperial edict on the high platform.

"Eldest Princess Su Yue acknowledged her ancestors and returned to the clan. Xue Chengen was the Prince of Chengen, Li Zichao was the Prince of Chaoyang, Li Zilu was the Princess of Mingzhu, Qin Qinghao was the County Lord, and Qin Qingting was the County Lord."

After the eunuch finished reading the decree, Su Luo immediately smiled at Mo Ruyue. Mo Ruyue, Gu Ying, and the seven children knelt down to thank the emperor for his kindness.

Mo Ruyue was a little confused. Wasn't it just a genealogy? Why did it become a title?

The same is true of Lonely Shadow.