A Needle in the Flesh

The Demon Venerable's question made Mo Ruyue feel uneasy, but she still answered honestly, "Of course, Second Senior Brother and Fourth Senior Brother are also helping me. If I were to go on a mission alone, I don't know when I would be able to come back."

Would the Demon Lord be furious because he didn't complete the mission alone?

It was not impossible.

Mo Ruyue was already waiting for the Demon Venerable's punishment.

Just as she thought that she was being punished by the Demon Lord, she heard the Demon Lord say faintly," Very good. If there are resources, use them. You know how to be flexible. As expected of the person I like."

He didn't need that kind of rigid and stubborn person.

Mo Ruyue heaved a long sigh of relief upon hearing the Honor Demon's praise. Fortunately, she was not punished by the Honor Demon.

"The seven-colored fire seed is useless to the venerable self. I'll give it to you as a gift."