The Emperor Is Heartless

Mo Ruyue's face tensed up when she saw Mo Chengfeng being beaten out. She hurriedly went up to help.

Naturally, she was no match for a Golden Core cultivator.

The opponent was barehanded, and she didn't even have a 100% chance of catching the blade.

"Senior Brother, are you alright?"

Mo Ruyue asked worriedly.

"I'm fine."

Mo Chengfeng shook his head. How could the injuries on his body compare to the injuries on his heart?

His father wanted to kill him!

The last bit of hope he had for his loved ones was shattered.

He felt extremely sad.

Golden Core cultivators were very strong. Mo Ruyue didn't know where this dog Emperor found a Golden Core cultivator.

In the immortal sects, this Golden Core cultivator could generally become an elder.

The Golden Core cultivator in front of him had white hair and looked quite old, but his body was quite strong.