Two Bones

"Little thing, have you heard of the Heaven-cleaving Sword?"

Mo Ruyue couldn't help but ask out of curiosity. She didn't plan for Hillghost to know about it, so she just asked casually.

Some people said that the Heaven-cleaving Sword was sealed in Sishui.

Some people said that the Heaven-Slaying Sword had been taken away by someone else.

Some people even said that the Heaven-cleaving Sword was somewhere else.

However, the Heaven-cleaving Sword was currently in the water. This was a piece of news that everyone believed.

The rest of the information was more or less unreliable.

Hillghost hesitated for a moment. These two people were coming for the Heaven-cleaving Sword!

However, that place was very dangerous!

"Hillghost probably doesn't know where the Heaven-cleaving Sword is."

Mo Chengfeng continued.