You Are So Good To Me

Therefore, he immediately woke Mo Ruyue up and pinched her delicate little nose.

Mo Ruyue's breathing was not smooth and she woke up from her dream.

"Master, why are you pinching my nose?"

Mo Ruyue rubbed her nose in pain.

This man was too much!

"Look at where you're leaning against."

Ming Sihan reminded him as he tidied his clothes.

Didn't this woman know what was going on?

Mo Ruyue realized that she was too close to Ming Sihan.

Only then did he hurriedly move his butt back and say in a low voice, "Master, disciple, I didn't do it on purpose."

When night fell, a group of bandits surrounded their carriage.

"I opened this road and planted this tree. If you want to pass by, leave behind money to buy the road."

Forever unchanged robbery opening,

Mo Ruyue put down Mountain Ghost and walked out of the room.

"Ruyue, you stay inside. Leave this to me."