Are You Looking Down On Him?

The Second Chief's eyes were filled with greed as he stared at the two swords in Mo Ruyue's hands.

If he could obtain these two swords, he would definitely be revered by others in the future.

It was fine if the Ghost Sense was in Mo Ruyue's hands, but even the Heaven-cleaving Sword was in this woman's hands.

"What a pity. From tomorrow onwards, Heaven Executioner and Ghost Will will be mine."

The Second Chief laughed complacently.

It was as if Ghost Will and Severing the Heavens had already become his.

"You seem to be dreaming."

Mo Ruyue scolded him and jumped off her horse. She was ready to use the Nebula Sword Technique that Ming Sihan wanted her to use against the Golden Core cultivator in front of her.

Golden Core cultivators were very powerful, but Ming Sihan had said that as long as he mastered the Nebula Sword Technique, he would be able to defeat Golden Core cultivators.