Let Me Be Quiet

When Ming Sihan heard Mo Ruyue's voice, his heart started beating rapidly. He felt as if he was alive again.

He suddenly opened his eyes and saw Mo Ruyue's figure outside the curtain.

She was finally back.

"You can go out first," He Xi said to Mo Ruyue."I'll show your Demon Venerable what's going on."

"Miracle Doctor He Xi, I'll leave the Devil to you."

Mo Ruyue then left the Devil Palace.

Seeing Mo Ruyue leave, Ming Sihan's heartbeat returned to normal.

She glanced at the other man and saw him approaching.

"Are you sick? Paralysis?"

He Xi asked. Even though they were separated by the curtain, the aura on Ming Sihan's body didn't change at all.

Hearing He Xi's words, Ming Sihan was a little unhappy and said,""I'm sick. Who said that I'm paralyzed?"

Who spread the rumors?

"Mo Ruyue said that you're paralyzed, but aren't you alright?"