I Won't Lie

Upon hearing Baili Xijian's words, Mo Ruyue smiled and said, "There's no need to be envious. Everyone has a share of the gains and losses. It's just that Senior Brother Jing's chicken soup has more meat."

As she spoke, Mo Ruyue took out a bowl of chicken soup from the bottom of the food box.

He had to treat his senior brothers equally.

"Me too?"

Baili Xi was flattered. He didn't expect that he would get a share of the chicken soup.

"Of course, drink it while it's hot."

Mo Ruyue took it out and continued,"Send the rest to the other Senior Brothers." "

Jing Xichen and Baili Xijian watched Mo Ruyue leave.

The two of them drank the chicken soup silently. The bowl of chicken soup was sweet and delicious, without too much grease.

"Junior Sister's craftsmanship is really not bad." When Baili Xi heard this compliment, he felt his entire heart become warm.