He Can't Be Ungrateful

Mo Ruyue held her forehead helplessly and said, "Why don't you all disperse on the spot? Those who have hands and feet can find some work. At least they can make a living."

"Also, split this money among yourselves."

She took out the money that she had not spent before.

It was all the wealth of the three heads.

After spending a little, they split the rest among themselves. Everyone went back to their own homes and found their own mothers.

It was to prevent them from starting to rob again after they gathered together.

Li Zeyan was by Mo Ruyue's side. He had long since recovered his identity.

At this moment, he was silently watching all of this.

His expression was indifferent.

He was finally going to leave this man's nest. He was more than happy to do so.

Although his sister did not like these rough men, he would still be angry when he saw these men talking to his sister.