A Common Enemy

"The Seven Saint Continent is a place where experts are as common as clouds. That place is where the strong prey on the weak. There are almost no ordinary humans…"

Hearing Ming Sihan's description, Mo Ruyue's beautiful eyes widened.

What a magical world.

There were no ordinary humans.

"Wouldn't we be living in a crevice there?"

So that was where all the experts went.

"More or less."

Ming Sihan thought for a moment and met Mo Ruyue's gaze. "You're so curious about the Seven Saint Continent. Do you really want to go there?"

"I want to go, but I don't dare to. Master, you said it yourself. There are so many experts there. I can't even defeat Ling Shoumo here. I'll be oppressed if I go there."

Mo Ruyue gave up on the idea of going to the Seven Saint Continent.

Although she was very curious about that magical world, she was still a little afraid.

It was not bad to stay here and be a local tyrant.