Foolish Fool

At this time, the Tomato Immortal Sect's sect leader said, "I think everyone should unite, regardless of friend or foe. It's best to organize the people of the Demon Realm as well."

After all, the Demon Realm was also an unshakable force.

As soon as these words were said, they were immediately refuted by the other sect masters.

"Are you crazy? But how can we collude with the devil in the devil world?"

"That's right, I'm the first one who disagrees with uniting with the mo territories."

"Then I'll be the second."

"I'll be third."

The Tomato Immortal Sect's Sect Leader's face darkened and he said,""With the enemy in front of us, we should unite against the outside world. No matter how bad the people of the Demon Realm are, they can't kill all the people in the world. However, the disaster after the Blood Moon is facing all the people in the world, as well as us immortal sects."