She Was Living Well, Why Did She Drink Carefree Water?

Ling Shoumo took off his coat and left.

With a wave of his sleeve, Mo Ruyue instantly felt that she could move again.

She rolled like a carp and ran towards the cave entrance.

However, the entrance of the cave was sealed with a restrictive spell, and Mo Ruyue could not open it for a while.

Ling Shoumo looked at Mo Ruyue's figure and smiled faintly.

I've set up a restriction here. Ruyue, you can't escape."

"Not only do I want you, I want you to forget everything. Let's start over."

Ling Shoumo was holding a teacup in his hand. Inside the teacup was a kind of worry-free water that could make people forget everything.

Mo Ruyue turned around and looked at Ling Shoumo, who was walking towards her. "You're a complete lunatic."

" Maybe. Without you, I would have gone crazy!"

Ling Shoumo smiled helplessly. He also felt that he had gone crazy.

He thought that he could let it go, but he couldn't.