You Can't Judge a Book by its Cover, and You Can't Count the Seawater by a Bucket

"Men, arrange a place for Miss Mo to stay."

Mobai shouted and saw two maidservants walking in from outside.

The maidservants lowered their heads. "Miss Mo, please come with us," one of the maidservants said to Mo Ruyue.

"Thank you."

Mo Ruyue said as she followed behind the two maidservants.

Mobai watched Mo Ruyue's back as she left. Only when she disappeared around the corner did he silently withdraw his gaze.

"What a pity," he muttered softly.

No one knew what he meant by pity.

Mo Ruyue was arranged to a relatively unique and quiet place. There were pavilions and waterside pavilions, rockery and ponds, and a row of crisp bamboo at the back of the house.

The maidservants who passed by greeted her politely, which made Mo Ruyue feel strange.

She saw a lot of restraint here.

He did not expect that even the little servant girl was a Foundation Building cultivator.

"Who was that woman just now?"