Ethan Ainsley also had a car accident!

Lola Hussey woke up feeling hungry in the afternoon.

She found herself in unfamiliar surroundings.

Lola Hussey asked, "Frankie, where is this?"

Frankie, with a doubtful expression on his face, answered hesitantly, "This is a VIP hospital room."

"I must be dreaming, but I quite like everything in this dream."

As she spoke, Lola rolled over and went back to sleep.

Frankie shook her arm, "Don't sleep, Lola. You're really in a VIP hospital room now!"

Lola sat up: ??

Frankie: "It's true."

Lola was dumbfounded.

Could it be... that she had a special skill of having whatever she wanted when she woke up from a dream?

If that was the case...

Lola immediately laid back down.

Her hands clasped together under her cheeks, she grinned with anticipation, "Do it again, let me dream of having lots and lots of money."

Frankie's mechanical, numb voice: "Lola, stop dreaming. While you were asleep, your bank account received one hundred million dollars..."

Lola: ??

One hundred million dollars?

"Turns out I've always been a low-key, unpretentious billionaire?" Lola was shocked again!

A huge fortune had descended out of the blue!

Lola's quick acceptance made Frankie question life intensely.

No, he needed to go and calm down.

As soon as Frankie left, Lola got bored.

She got out of the hospital bed and went to an even larger bed.

Tossing and turning, she ended up bumping the back of her head, so she decided to get out of bed and take a walk.

The top floor was full of VIP rooms, with floors that were different from the ones downstairs. Empty halls with no one walking around, Lola noticed the door of the next room was ajar.

She went over and peered in through the crack in the door.

There was no movement.

Subconsciously thinking about helping to close the door for someone, she heard a voice from behind:

"What are you doing?"

Lola stiffened.

Someone had come; how could she not have heard any footsteps?

Lola slowly turned around.

She was about to explain that she was helping to close the door when she looked at the face in front of her, a face she felt so familiar with, and she was immediately taken aback.

His tall stature forced her to look up slightly to see him.

It was an incredibly handsome face, but his complexion showed the marks of illness. A pair of deep brown eyes stared through the mist, slightly pale lips, as if he had experienced a severe illness...

"Are you Ethan Ainsley?"

Lola stared wide-eyed, pointing at him as she asked.

He replied coldly, "Yes."

It was actually Ethan Ainsley!

The CEO of the Ainsley Group!

If it hadn't been for the financial news reports, Lola might not have been able to call out his name.

Immediately, Lola asked him, "Ethan Ainsley, are we close?"

Ethan Ainsley: "Do I know you?"

His gaze was cold and indifferent as if he didn't know her at all.


She really felt Ethan's face looked very familiar.

But he seemed not to know her...

Seeing that he was too weak, she didn't want to bother him anymore. So, with a confused expression, Lola Hussey, rubbing the back of her head, turned to leave.

At that moment, she heard Ethan Ainsley coughing behind her.

"Cough... Cough, cough..."

Lola turned back around.

There he was with his hand covering his lips, coughing several times, his body slightly bent forward, furrowing his brows, his face becoming even paler.

Furrowed brows were due to pain from his wound.

The pallor was also because of the pain from his wound.

"Ethan Ainsley, were you also in a car accident?" Lola asked him abruptly.