Lola Hussey has real facial features, while mine can barely be called five organs.

It's her!

The person in the photo is her!

Upon seeing herself in the photo, Lola Hussey, other than being surprised, couldn't help but wonder: "Is this silly person in the photo really me? It turns out my academic background isn't fake."

Emily Winter: "..."

Frankie Foster: "..."

The two wanted to say in unison: You're the silly one right now!

Her high school exam achievements were amazing, and she even became the top ranked student in college entrance exams. To top it all, she graduated from Royal Holloway College, University of London!

You're so talented that it leaves people speechless.

At this moment.

The online trolls were going wild:

[Spraying, spraying everywhere, does their face not hurt?]

[Royal Holloway College's official content is out, so where are all those who said her academic background was fake? Come take your beating!]