The noble lady is a joke

Various discussions were non-stop.

But Lola Hussey couldn't hear any of them.

At this moment, Lola, riding on the horse's back, was reviewing the process of drawing and setting an arrow.

Due to her lack of skill, she pulled the arrow too quickly, and its sharp tip accidentally grazed the horse's neck.

The horse beneath her suddenly seemed frightened.

It jerked its hooves forward violently, and Lola leaned back. Fortunately, she grabbed the reins in time and didn't fall off the horse.

For an instant, Lola's face turned pale with fright.

Seeing this, a staff member immediately came over to comfort the startled horse.

Almost the entire crew noticed the commotion.

Lola tightly held the reins, and although her face was pale, her expression seemed a bit off.

The staff member noticed how scared Lola was, so he hurriedly comforted her, "It's alright, don't be afraid. Just don't tense your legs, just press down naturally."