Deep inside, it's all just one exclamation: Holy shit!!!

Here comes the grand occasion!

One that's exclusively for Lola Hussey!

Those who derided Lola for not having a support group are now lost for words, humbled by the sight of such a congregation of A-listers.

Seeing the event becoming grander than expected, even the top-level executives behind the organizers came out to greet everyone.

And they're even planning on throwing a grand finale banquet.

Of all these people, Lola is closest to Abigail White, her aunt. Lola approaches her, "Aunt Abigail, why are you here too?"

"Of course I am..."

One second ago, Abigail was smiling warmly, but in the next moment, she turns cold and aloof. Glancing at the crowd, she says pointedly, "I heard that our dear Lola was criticized for not having a support group. It upset me so much that I hurried over."

The crowd: "..."!!!

Her words were subtle, yet pointed.

However, everyone present understood that Abigail was being quite polite in her statement.