Stardom will be invincible and in full swing

Ryan Carter first poured coffee for Lola Hussey.

He then asked Lola if the room were too cold or warm, offering to adjust the temperature accordingly.

Now the company's top management deeply felt how much Lola loved the company, having never requested to terminate her contract despite her wealth. How deep must her feelings be to remain so loyal?

Though termination fees were usually a fatal blow to artists, for Lola, these fees were trivial and easily solved with a simple strand of her hair. Yet she chose to stay with the company.

It must be because of great love!

Such sincerity moved heaven and earth, evoking admiration and tears alike.

So they must treat her well.

Lola first asked Ryan Carter, around the bush, if he knew why Emily Winter had resigned.

Ryan Carter's official response left Lola speechless.

Never mind, she thought. Better to ask Fitzroy Sullivan instead and buy a 1999-dollar card from him.