Cried so much that both eyes and nose turned red

On the way, she was incredibly considerate, reminding him of every little step, as if she was afraid he would trip. To avoid any suspicions, Ethan wore sunglasses.

Her little hand was soft, and as she held his hand, her fingertips unintentionally tapped on his palm.

Thinking about the past few days, Ethan's breath tightened a bit.

Lola Hussey noticed and quickly reassured him: "Trust me, I won't let you down."


He let out a low laugh.

Lola bit her lip, thinking about showing off her newly learned cooking skills from her time in the drama group.

The electronic door required a face scan to enter.

As Lola was about to pull Ethan over for a face scan, the door opened, having detected her face. She was puzzled: "How did they input my face?"

Ethan replied: "I added it after you left, using your photo."

"A photo works too?" She was surprised.

Ethan joked: "If I say it works, it works."

Lola was speechless, feeling like the face scan was mandatory.